Greg Sheahan
Greg’s consulting experience and association with HCA spans over 30 years. His area of consulting expertise includes establishing fixed asset property records for cost accounting and financial reporting, supporting GASB 34/35, GAAP, FASB, GAAFR, F&A indirect cost, and UG compliance requirements. He’s assisted clients with building and equipment component cost segregation, depreciation schedules, room-by-room step-down depreciation methodologies, and optimizing the building and equipment components of their indirect cost rate recovery. He continues to speak at numerous regional and national conferences on the subject of property asset management, compliance, and audit acceptance. Throughout his career, he has served as a national panel expert on these subjects at various conferences, workshops, and training sessions. He believes that for every institution with fixed asset challenges, HCA has the expertise to design and provide a client-specific solution.
Outside of work, Greg enjoys spending time outside, preferably on a mountain. He is passionate about snow skiing, hiking, camping etc. In addition, he plays tennis and recently took up mountain biking and BJJ to spend time with his daughter and son-in-law, not his first choices for activities these days, but considers himself extremely blessed to still be included and relishes his time as a loving husband, father, and grandfather.