The Importance of Capturing High-Quality Underwriting Data in Your Next Property Appraisal

March 14, 2022

Insurance Appraisals

Accurate property appraisals are essential for public entities, ensuring proper coverage and effective risk management. At the heart of the appraisal process lies the quality of underwriting data, which directly influences how risks are assessed and rated. By focusing on key elements like COPE and understanding the significance of secondary data, public entities can enhance their risk assessment and decision-making processes.

Understanding COPE in Property Insurance

In preparation for your annual renewal, COPE—Construction, Occupancy, Protection, and Exposure—remains a foundational ingredient. While each of these elements plays a role in assessing risk, understanding what’s essential within COPE can significantly streamline the appraisal process while ensuring accurate coverage for the life of the property. Below are some of the key considerations we emphasize in our work with large, public institutions at HCA Asset Management.

One of the more essential pieces of data we often find improperly recorded is building square footage.  Frequently there is an assumption that whatever number is on the SOV is correct, regardless of how long it has resided there without confirmation.  Based on thousands of recent onsite appraisal engagements, this is repeatedly a poor premise and in many cases leaves the resulting valuations short.  Missed additions and incorrect calculations directly impact property valuations.  There is no substitute for an accurate review of blueprints coupled with onsite verification of the data.

The Impact of High-Quality Data on Risk Assessment and Compliance

High-quality underwriting data is not just about ticking boxes; it’s about ensuring that the property is accurately assessed for risk and underwriting purposes. Accurate property data can bring your entity the following benefits: 

For public entities, the importance of high-quality underwriting data cannot be overstated. By focusing on the essential elements of COPE and leveraging secondary data, insureds can enhance their property appraisal practices, improve compliance, and make better-informed decisions. Investing in accurate, comprehensive data is a crucial step toward achieving these goals.

Learn more about how HCA Asset Management can help you unlock the benefits of more accurate and thorough property appraisals.