Why You Should be Converting to Passive RFID for Asset Tracking

April 5, 2022

Capital Asset Management
rfid tags for asset tracking

While certainly an improvement over not tagging at all, barcode tags have existed as the gold standard for tracking assets for nearly 30 years. Historically radio-frequency-identification (RFID) technology hasn’t had the best reputation for reliability. Advancements in reader and tag technology in the recent past have revolutionized the more traditional methods of asset tracking and created a much more efficient process. Here is why we think you should be converting to Passive RFID.

What is Passive RFID?

Passive (tag is not powered) RFID is a way for educational institutions, healthcare governments, and public entities to track assets using radiofrequency technology. It works by a reader emitting an electromagnetic signal, which is received by the antennae in a tag, therefore, creating a magnetic charge. This charge powers a circuit in the tag which then sends a signal back to the reader with data from the tag. This is different from Active RFID, where the tag has a battery and emits a consistent signal. The difference in performance is that a Passive RFID tag will have a shorter read range but will be smaller, less expensive, and doesn’t require battery replacements.

What are the Benefits of Passive RFID Technology?

While scanning barcode tags is done one at a time within a few inches of the tag, Passive RFID readers can read hundreds of tags per second with a read range of up to 8 feet. Therefore, converting to RFID can improve the time to inventory of your assets by up to 30%.

RFID tagging, when done right, will save a significant amount of time and streamline your asset tracking.

Why Should You be Converting to RFID Technology?

More efficient: RFID is a more automated process that will save you time, resources, and, therefore, money. It eliminates the need for outdated spreadsheets and manual forms, making it simple to scan multiple items at once.

Less Disruption: Because you can scan from a distance of up to 4-5 feet, you are able to account for most items without having to get within inches of the asset like with other methods. This is especially helpful in sensitive environments like hospitals and research spaces.

Better Experience: By minimizing field time and staff disruption, asset inventory becomes much more streamlined and pleasant.

For more information on RFID vs. traditional methods, click here to keep reading.