Recently, our Capital Asset Management team, led by Greg Sheahan, had the opportunity to test our RFID and KEPR technology onsite at a university. Take a deeper look at what happened from Greg’s perspective:
I recently had the opportunity to personally test the technology on a client site that we had previously converted from barcodes to RFID tags. After we completed the baseline RFID tagging effort, we returned to perform their 2-year cycle count inventory.
My first stop in the morning was at a server room, with more than 400 items assigned to the room (servers, blades, racks, etc.). An inventory of this space with barcodes would typically take a minimum of 8 hours. We completed the full inventory and reconciliation in about an hour and a half, without having to touch anything, making the IT coordinator who let me into the space extremely happy.
I then went through multiple labs and research spaces, where I was able to scan and account for all items on lab benches without having to crawl over or touch the equipment. Because I was also utilizing the reconciliation feature on our KEPR software, I also was able to reconcile and account for items that had moved locations and update the information instantly.
In addition, in the research spaces, I was also putting RFID tags and recording pertinent information on newly acquired capital items in conjunction with the inventory effort. Throughout the day, there was one item that I couldn’t find when I hit the reconciliation feature on the KEPR software. Luckily a grad student working in the lab knew exactly where the item was hiding and showed it to me. It was completely tucked away in a cabinet drawer in a case surrounded by foam.
All in all, it was a very successful onsite visit due to the power of RFID technology and our KEPR software. To learn more about how RFID can save your institution time and money, click here.